Creating A Smarter More Connected World

The journey starts with you.

East2 Innovative technology with mobile screen

How we do it.

The eUno platform ...

A white label platform that transforms the interaction between consumers and companies by providing a decentralised marketplace for peer to peer transactions ... more

East 2 v1 resized (3000 x 1530 px)
Travel and Lifestyle

Airlines - Suppliers - Vendors

Behavioural engagement drives additional revenues.

End to end view of the Consumer journey and preferences.

Revenues beyond the traditional transactions ... more 

Rewards & Benefits


Rewarded for use of their authorised data.

Easy to earn and spend rewards.

Increased recognition on Consumer spend with customised offers ... more 


Delight Consumers and Accelerate Growth using AI

We deliver insightful solutions using authorised Consumer data.

Data that quickly and cost effectively reveals granular insights into your Consumers activities and needs.

Realtime data of market sentiment and provides increased visibility on the future behaviour of your Consumers.

A game changer!

To receive our latest news and updates straight to your inbox. Follow us on our mission to tip traditional models of loyalty and reward upside down.

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